Dear Honorary Guests,
On behalf of Canada-HK New Horizon Lions Club, I am pleased to have our warmest welcome to our Horizon Gala Concert 2022.
Since 2008, our New Horizon Lions Club has already raised fund close to $600,000.00. We have helped hospitals, health and wellness organizations, community service groups, youth and cultural organizations.
Some of the popular events held by us including the table tennis tournaments, the annual Horizon Gala, and etc. are widely welcome and supported by the community. We shall further organize and participate more events in the community in future.
“We Serve” is the Lions motto, and our New Horizon Lions Club will continue our key objective to serve the community no matter there is Covid or not. We serve because we love our community and hope for better living, better services, and better future for our next
For the Horizon Gala Concert 2022, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our honorary co-chairs: Ms. Margaret Law, Mr. Ambrose Cheng, Ms. Amanda Collucci, Mr. Castro Liu and Mr. Lee Chi Ping, our co-chairs: Ms. Esther Wong, Mr. Billy Duong, Mr. Paul Leung and our feature
performer, Mr. Mark Yim, all the sponsors, donors, singers, media friends, volunteers and all the members from our Lions club. Without your support, we cannot make it happen!
Thanks, and enjoy the show!
Yours sincerely,
Lion Tony Chan
Canada-HK New Horizon Lions Club