Press Release for 2022 Horizon Gala Concert “ Sunshine En Route “
The Canada-HK New Horizon Lions Club will be hosting our 14th anniversary charter celebration on Saturday May 7th 2022 . Our annual gala celebrates our achievements in service over the past year and we look forward to contributing even more in the upcoming year. Our theme for Horizon Gala 2022 is Sunshine En Route. It will be in the form of a concert. Our main beneficiary this year is Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation. We would like to support their ICU Department which is a specialized environment staffed by highly trained caregivers helping patients who need immediate- often life-saving- interventions, including COVID-19 patients. Our fundraising target is $25000. The Horizon Gala event details are as follows:
The concert will commence Saturday, May 7th 2022 Time: 3:00pm- 8:00pm at Peoples Theatre for Performing Arts, 22 Esna Park Drive, Markham ( capacity over 700 ) and the Ticket are : $88 VVIP, $68 VIP, $38 Regular
We are honored to have the following: Mr. Paul Leung, Mr. Billy Duong, and Ms Esther Wong as co-chairs; Ms Margaret Law, Mr. Lee Chi Ping, Councilor Castro Liu, Councilor Amanda Yeung Collucci and Mr. Ambrose Cheng as Honorary Co-chairs. Not only are these co-chairs committed to this fundraising Cause, but they are also sharing with us their passion for the stage. They will MC or sing for us.
We are very honored to have Aquarius LIVE Music group sending out their students to sing LIVE at the concert. They have also donated to our Cause. Their band leader Cheung Wing Wah is a well known musician in the community. Over 50 talented singers will pledge for their performances. We have also invited a talented musician and singer Mark Yim to be our Feature Performer. We will fill the night with music rhythm and lots of fun. We will be joined by over 50 talented and dedicated performers to pledge donations for their performances. So get ready to enjoy a night of festivities including music, lucky draws and more.For ticket order please call 416-8026366 and 416-576-6683 or email
2022 加港新里程獅子會新聞稿
加港新里程獅子會成立已十四年, 期閒共籌得接近六十萬加元, 捐助社區有需 要之團體及人仕, 包括醫療機構, 青年及學生訓練組織, 弱勢社群,及文娛康楽活動等. 如遇突發牲的天災如海嘯地震等, 本會亦伸出援手, 捐款救災.過去本會亦曾協辦全國文化及省級獅會舉辦之多元藝術表演.藉著舞台匯聚各族裔之文化交流. 過去兩年多受世界新冠疫情影響,人類無奈經歷生離死別, 避疫隔絕, 今進入疫情後期, 希望大家能走出陰霾, 重新出發.
今年本會主辦之籌款晚會是以演唱會形式, 主題為” 驕陽伴我行” 為萬錦市多福醫院 ( Markham Stouffville Hospital ) 的深切治療部籌款, 以購買病床儀器之用. 目標希望籌得二萬五千加元 ( $25000 ) 大會共同主席為 Esther Wong, Billy Duong 及Paul Leung; 榮譽共同主席為Margaret Law, Ambrose Cheng, Castro Liu , Amanda Collucci 及Lee Chi Ping.
” 驕陽伴我行”演唱會將於二0二二年五月七日星期六於位於萬錦市22 Esna Park Drive 的萬民演奏廳舉行,時間為卞午3:00至8:00 . 票價為$38/ $68 及$88. 演藝廳可容纳超過700觀眾, 亦有最現代化的燈光音響, 及大型LED熒幕, 極盡視聽之娛.
演唱會邀請社區內50 多位歌唱好友, 知名歌手 Mark Yim, 現場演唱工作室Aquarius LIVE Music Group. 此外感謝各贊助商鼎力支持, 共襄善舉. 贊助名單如下 )購票請電416-802-6366 或416-576-6683 或email
We are glad to be supported by our Honorary sponsors as below:
Title Sponsor: Esther Wong- Remax Excel
Prime Sponsor : Aquarius LIVE Music Group
Diamond Sponsor: Billy Duong All- Risks Insurance Brokers Limited
Diamond Sponsor : Kylemore
Corporate Sponsors: AWIN
Dr. MBC Mah Medicine Professional Corporation
Wah Lung Labels
City Trend
Po Tsui Jade & Jewellery
Mark Law Wealth Management Group
Cafe Hollywood
Yes Cafe