2023 加港新里程獅子會新聞稿

加港新里程獅子會成立已十五年, 期閒共籌得接近六十五萬加元, 捐助社區 有需 要之團體及人仕, 包括醫療機構, 青年及學生訓練組織, 弱勢社群,及文娛康楽活動等. 如遇突發性的天災如海嘯地震等, 本會亦伸出援手, 捐 款救災.過去本會亦曾協辦全國文化及省級獅會舉辦之多元藝術表演.藉著舞台匯聚各族裔之文化交流.  今年走出疫情, 重新出發, 為耆暉基金會籌募經費, 建設新醫療及多功能社區大樓. 今年籌款目標為$25000加元。

今年本會主辦之籌款晚會是以晚宴形式, 主題為” 昂首闊步新里程” 為烈治文山耆暉會( Carefirst Foundation ) 的新醫療社區中心的建造籌款, 以服務長者之用. 目標希望籌得二萬五千加元。大會共同主席為Ambrose Cheng, Esther Wong, Billy Doung 及Mun Chan; 榮譽共同主席為Margaret Law, Paul Leung, ( Amanda Collucci) 楊綺清議員及( Michael Shiu )邵浩然議員. 以上共同主席均粉墨登場籌款演出。

” 昂首闊步新里程”慈善晚宴將於二0二三年四月十五日星期六於烈治文山 的釣魚臺國宴舉行,時間由晚上6:15至11:00. 餐券普通座$128, 貴賓座$168. 出席超過400觀眾, 節目豐富,亦有最現代化的燈光音響, 及大 型LED熒幕, 極盡視聽之娛. 製作團隊為D & H.

新里程晚宴榮幸邀得社區內知名藝術表演者: Fame Studio 老師歌手Lawrence Chan, 亦為今次最强名氣贊助 ( Fame Sponsor ) 率領十多位學員, 齊心籌款,善心爱心洋溢. 亦邀得社區內歌唱好友籌款獻唱, 音樂製作 Mark Yim, 加拿大體育舞蹈冠軍Thomas Zinger 及Sarah Stolarsky, 加拿大現代爵士舞冠軍Grace Sun 與其他加拿大舞蹈參賽者現場表演, 即場音樂Aquarius LIVE Music. 此外感謝各贊助商鼎力支持, 共襄善舉. 贊助名單如下 購票請電416-802-6366 或416-576-6683 email:danny.leung@newhorizonlionsclub.org

Horizon Gala 2023 Media Release

Welcome to the press conference of 2023 Annual Gala of the Canada-HK New Horizon Lions Club! Our theme this year is “ Looking Forward to New Horizons “ It will take place on April 15th, 2023 Saturday at Premiere Ballroom and Convention Centre starting at 6:15pm.

Over the years, our Club has played a vital role in our community. It has made significant contributions, including raising over $650,000 for various charitable and philanthropic purposes. This year, our target is to raise at least $25,000 for Carefirst Foundation, who will use your generous contributions to support the construction of their Carefirst Campus of Care that consists of a long term home, medical center and a community hub for the seniors.

With your support, we have an opportunity to drastically improve people’s lives, but this will only be possible through your generous support.

The 2023 Horizon Gala will be an evening of entertainment, fun, and mission. Our Co-Chairs include Lions Ambrose Cheng, Esther Wong, Billy Duong and Mun Chan; Our honorary co-chairs are Ms Margaret Law, Councillor Amanda Collucci, Councillor Michael Shiu and Mr. Paul Leung– we will all be  performing as Charity Stars for the event.

Throughout the evening, our Fame Sponsor, also the feature performer Mr. Lawrence Chan of Fame Studio will be showcasing his talents in music together with his students of the studio. The Fame students have sponsored the event with a generous donation; Besides, there are also award-winners of various singing and dance contests, and music enthusiasts who are pledging donations for their performances, namely, Mark Yim, Grace Sun, Thomas Zingy and Sarah Stolarsky and the Aquarius LIVE Music from Cheung Wing Wah. There will also be dance performances by the Canadian champions and world representatives. You will enjoy music and dance and raffle Draw. We will offer you a fun night!!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors for their generous and continued support, our volunteers for their valuable time and hard work, and members of the organizing committee, who organized the gala. We hope everyone has a joyous, festive, memorable, and a fulfilling evening.

We thank all the following sponsors :

  • Fame Sponsor : Fame Studio
  • Diamond Sponsor:  Maysense
  • Corporate Sponsor : Awin Hsc Holdings
  • Corporate Sponsor : Stentronics
  • Corporate Sponsor : HC Realty Group Inc. Kandee Wang
  • Corporate Sponsor : Po Tsui Jewellery & Workshop
  • Community Elite Sponsor : Scott Au
  • Community Elite Sponsor : Michael Shiu & the Ensemble
  • Community Elite Sponsor : Makerwiz Peter Lau
  • Community Elite Sponsor : Justin Poy Agency

VIP Sponsors & Cash Donors

  • VIP Sponsor : Caliber Mortgage Inc.
  • VIP Sponsor :  David West Mayor of Richmond Hill
  • VIP Sponsor : Wah Lung Labels
  • VIP Sponsor : National Bank of Canada Wealth Management Mark Law
  • Ticket Sponsor : All-risks Insurance Billy Duong
  • Paul Leung
  • Margaret Law

*All donors to the Carefirst Foundation are recorded on donation website as below: http://horizongala2023.ca/

Special Service/ Gifts Sponsors: 

  • Promotion & Show Coordination:   City Trend Kaleidoscope, David Wong
  • Volunteer Sponsor :  2nd  Unionville Scout Group
  • 3-D Print coaster : Peter Lau
  • White Wine : White Wine
  • Red Wine : Howard Wong
  • Fashion Accessory : May Kan
  • Food Item : Joanna Chan
  • Wine Opener/ Cork : HKETO
  • Souvenir : City Trend
  • Jade pendant : Po Tsui Jewellery & Workshop
  • Facial Package : C-Spa
  • Cosmetics pack : Paul Lee & Jennifer
  • Ling Zi Health Food : Maysense
  • Fur Jacket & water painting : Margaret Law
  • Porcelain Statue : Mun Chan
  • Costco gift Cards : Esther Wong
  • 65” Smart TV: Ambrose Cheng
  • Cash Prizes : Canada-HK New Horizon Lions Club


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